Violet Spinning Apple

Team 1 final report
team 2 final report
team 3 final report
team 4 final report
team 5 final report
team 6 final paper
team 7 final report
syllabus for Women's Studies International 2009
questions for interview
consent letter for interviewees
how to have a chat online
PLA techniques (genograms etc)
message on writing from Margaret Atwood
All of the reports for the online UWC/UNCC collaborative research are to the left. 
Assignment 7b asks you to reflect on the reports. 





To contact the teacher email


On July 1, 2003, the Administration of UNC Charlotte approved a proposal to recognize e-mail as an official means of communication between the university and the student population.  Beginning with the fall 2003 semester, university notifications sent electronically using an e-mail address, will go to the students UNC Charlotte e-mail address ( 

It is your responsibility to check your UNCC e-mail account regularly.  This e-mail address will be used by academic and administrative offices to send you messages and official notifications. If you choose to forward your university e-mail messages to a personal e-mail account and the forwarding fails for any reason, you may miss important official university communications but are still responsible for those communications.

email me at