Violet Spinning Apple

syllabus for Women's Studies International 2009
Team 1 final report
team 2 final report
team 3 final report
team 4 final report
team 5 final report
team 6 final paper
team 7 final report
syllabus for Women's Studies International 2009
questions for interview
consent letter for interviewees
how to have a chat online
PLA techniques (genograms etc)
message on writing from Margaret Atwood

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Women’s Studies International                                              Judy Aulette

Fall 2009                                                                       


This course is divided into two sections.  The first begins on August 24 and ends on October 26. The first section will provide you with an international experience working collaboratively with people from other nations on issues that shape women’s lives. The focus of this work will be on families and it will emphasize the diversity of women’s experience by race ethnicity, age, social class and nation.  In the first section you will be working with students and professors from the University of the Western Cape in South Africa. The work during this time will be mostly online.    


The second section begins on October 28 and ends on December 9.  The South African students will leave us on October 23 when their semester ends (They started in July).  We will then begin a series of lectures and assignments to finish out the semester. We will cover topics that shape women’s lives such as water, HIV,  and war.  The work in the second section will be partly on-line and partly in on-campus meetings during our regularly scheduled meeting time 3:30-4:45 Mondays and Wednesdays.  We will meet in our regularly assigned classroom, Fretwell 421. 

All of the readings for the course are online.  You do not need to purchase any texts.



Section 1—International research in collaboration with UWC

August 24 to October 23


August 24  Meet on campus (room 421 Fretwell)  to discuss course requirements and schedule


August 26 On-line chat with research teams. Assignment 2 below


August 31 Meet on campus (room 421 Fretwell) to discuss data collected over the weekend.  Interviews should be complete. See  Assignment 1 below.


September 2 Meet on campus (room 421 Fretwell) to talk about analyzing qualitative data.


September 7 meet online.  I will be available at google chat from3:30-4:45


September 9 meet online.  I will be available at google chat from 3:30-4:45


The assignments and due dates for section 1 are available online.

Go to

Click on elearning at the top of the home page

Login on the left by filling in your user name and password

Join the course: MCFS SA Fam & Households

Look around the site by reading the home page and checking out the options on the left. 

Below is one of the pages from the site giving the description of the assignments and their due dates.






Types of Assessments


Assignment #1 individual assignment
Conduct research on family practices and context in your own location.  

1. Identify a family in your community to interview.

2. Get the interviewee to fill out the consent form. Confidentiality/anonymity of your interviewee should be maintained. No one should know whom you have interviewed. 

3. Based on the guidelines provided and using the questions in the guidelines, conduct the interview.

4. Post your findings in the discussion forum of your small group and upload the document in the documents space of your small group (Team1,2, 3 or 4 in the Workgroups section).

 Submission Date: class on Monday August 31, 2009


Assignment#2 Chat online in google chat

26 August 2009


Assignment #3

 Create a data set. Identify differences (e.g. social location) that impact family practices across geographical locations.                                                                          
1. Read and analyse ALL of the postings on research conducted by your team mates.

2. Write a summary of the similarities and differences you see in the postings. 

Submission Date: 7 September 2009. 





Assignment #4 individual assignment

a) Read information on assigned readings about family practices in the contents or course documents section. Choose three readings and write a summary of all three thinking about

i) what each reading says

ii) how it compares and contrasts with the other two readings.

Post this on the discussion forum. (due in on 18 September 2009)



Assignment #5team assignment

You need to meet with your team members and have a conversation with them on Google Chat introducing yourself and discussing your own experiences of various issues in your families.

In your chat you also need to plan your future working together


1. meet online on google chat with your team members.

2. Identify tasks for each member of the group

3. Identify  timelines for each portion of the project

3. Identify modes of communication to be used among group members. (Be sure everyone has your email and you have everyone else’s).

4. Post your plan on the discussion forum by 25 September 2009

Chat should occur on 25  September 2009. 




 Assignment #6 Team assignment. Prepare on google docs and post on the discussion forum of your small group the final group project which should cover the following areas (see specific parameters in full assignment)


1. a title for your project and the names, affiliations and emails of the team members as w

2.  introduction which describes the central focus of the research and explains why it is important

3.  literature review which should have the Assignment 3s by each team member

4. results and analysis with Assignment 6 posted on it.

5. conclusion with the following subsections:     

  • General (global) situation with specific reference to research themes and family practices.
  • Each group members' local situation with regard to the research themes and family practices;
  • Emerging issues raised by the research in the global and local context.
  • Local and global policy implications and recommendations with regard to the topic.
  • Further research that needs to be conducted on the topic
  • a page called bibliography with the citations your team members used for assignment 3
  • a page called appendix with
  • Appendix A: letter of consent you wrote for your participants
  • Appendix B: the list of questions you used for your interviews.
  • Appendix C: transcripts of data

Share this document with your facilitator and other groups  by 21 October 2009.





 Assignment #7a #7b
Project Evaluation/Reflection paper

This assignment is composed of two parts: 

a. An individual reflective paper/reflective exercise to evaluate your learning experiences as well as the course module as a whole

b. an online posting to share your evaluation of the projects produced by the other groups in the course. Your overall participation in the module will also be assessed, as will the outcomes which you have achieved. 
Submission Date: 23 October 2009





















Section 2

October 28 to December 9

UNCC students only



October 28  Women and water

November 2

November4 Women and HIV

November 9

November 11 Women and Public Office

November 16

November 18

November 23

November 25 Thanksgiving Holiday no class

November 30

December 2 United Nations

December 9


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