Violet Spinning Apple

Sociology of Gender Spring 2007 Syllabus

Team 1 final report
team 2 final report
team 3 final report
team 4 final report
team 5 final report
team 6 final paper
team 7 final report
syllabus for Women's Studies International 2009
questions for interview
consent letter for interviewees
how to have a chat online
PLA techniques (genograms etc)
message on writing from Margaret Atwood

Keep checking this site and the syllabus throughout the semester. 
Changes will be made and you need to make sure you have the latest information.

January    8  Introduction to course
              10  Writing exercise 1 "Gender in our everyday life"
                                               in class (cannot be made up) 
January  15  Martin Luther King Holiday, no class today 
             17  Writing exercise 2 "Gender and HIV/AIDS"
                                             in class (cannot be made up)
                   Read: 1. Zambia Men (mailed to your UNCC mailbox)
                             2. HIV & Women (see especially chapter 3 "ABC Plus")
                             3. HIV & Women in US
January 22 Writing exercise 3 "gender in your favorite TV show"
                             in class (cannot be made up)
            24  On-Line Research  #1 (no class today) report due January 29
                  Read: Gender and Media and Sports
January 29 film: Bend it like Beckham 
            31 finish film Writing exercise 4 "Film notes"
                              in class (cannot be made up)
February 5 Exam 1
              7 Writing exercise 5 "Why are women paid less?" in class (cannot be
                                            made up)
February  12 Read: Economics and Gender
               14 On-line Research #2 (no class today) report due February 19
February  19 In-class writing exercise 6 "Theoretical explanations for wage gap"
                                        (cannot be made up)
                   Presentations by students
               21 Read: Politics and Gender
                    Presentations by students
February 26 In-class writing exercise 7 "Mark and Kristy make decisions about
                   work and family" (cannot be made up)
                  Presentations by students
                  Read: Gender and Families
              28 On-line Research #3 (no class today) report due March 12
March     5 - 10 Spring Break (no classes)
March     12 presentations by students
              14 presentations by students
                   writing exercise 8 "Finding options for addressing gender inequity in
                    political representation"  (cannot be made up)
March     19 Exam 2
              21 In-class writing exercise 9 "understanding tables and graphs about
                   education" (cannot be made up)
                   student presentations
March     26  Read: Gender and Education
                   student presentations
              28 student presentations
                    writing exercise 10 "Gender in the classroom" (cannot be made up)
April         2  In-class writing exercise 11 "Comments on student presentations"  
                     (cannot be made up)
                   student presentations
                4 On-line research #4 (no class today) report due April 9
April         9 class meets (report due)
              11 in-class writing exercise 12 "gender in religions"
                       (cannot be made up)
April       16 Read: Gender and Religion
                  Student Presentations
              18 In class writing exercise 13 "jump start on portfolios"
                              (cannot be made up)
                   Student Presentations
April        23  In-class writing exercise 14 (cannot be made up)
               25April day to check your records     
               30 Exam 3
May           4 Portfolio due (click here for more info on portfolios)
Exam week  Exam 4 optional (check for dates)
                 exams are in our regular classroom in Fretwell.
Readings are available on-line
You do not need to purchase a text
3 exams worth 100 points (no make-ups)                                        300 points
1 optional exam during exam week can replace one of these exams
14 in-class writing exercises worth 10 points                                    140 points
portfolio of writing worth 60 points                                                       60 points
4 on-line research exercises worth 25 points                                     100 points
formal oral presentations worth 50 points                                            50 points
informal presentations worth 50 points                                                50 points
total                                                                                              700
630-700 A
560-629 B
490-559 C
420-489 D
<420     F