Poster session for Sociology of Women writing class


Exam Sociology of Women (both sections)
Sociology of Women (Writing Intensive)
Sociology of Women ( W & O)
Women in the World (WMST4050 & INTL 3000)
Global News files
Assignments for WMST Internet exercises
Poster session for Sociology of Women writing class


The final step in your research project is to present your work to the class in a poster session.  Poster sessions are common in professional meetings.  They allow many people to present research in a limited amount of time. 

     For the presentation you should organize your research so that it


can be presented visually on a poster board.  You can use any kind


of visual material you choose.  You can organize the material in any


way you choose.  For example, you could use the titles of the


sections with a few words under each to describe your work and you


could include the tables from the results.  You might add pictures that


help the viewer see what you did and what you found. 

    In addition to creating the visual presentation, your team should be prepared to briefly describe the poster board, pointing out what the viewer should notice.  We have about 10 to 15 groups in the class so you need to be brief, but give us enough information so that we know what your research accomplished.

    On the poster day, I will ask you to tape your posters to the wall and we will take a little time to look at them and then I will ask each team to talk for a few minutes about their poster. 

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